You know you're too obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean when...

You start wearing a whole lot of eyeliner in honour of your hero Jack
You seriously consider becoming a pirate/blacksmith
You've started wearing a corset
You now sleep in a barn with several pigs
You'll drink nothing but rum
You got caught trying to 'comandeer' someone's car
You say ARRR!!
You've taken up fencing
You mock people who don't talk like a pirate
You cried when the movie left your cinema
You asked said cinema for all the promotional gear
People threw stuff at you in the cinema for cheering too loud when Jack and Will were on screen
You throw apples at people and laugh at them
You randomly announce 'I'm a pirate, hehe!' at inappropriate moments
You just can't stop saying Savvy?
You become really supersticious
Your parents cry when you announce you annouce your career choice as "being a pirate" You get dreadlocks
You go to a tanning salon every month to keep up you "Caribbean" tan
You get a sex change operation when you found out it's bad luck to have a woman on board
You take sailing lessons
You throw a temper tantrum whenever you go to the liquor store and they say you're not old enough to drink Rum
When playing tag you stand on walls and say "Gentlemen you will always remeber this as the day you almost caught Captain[your name here]"
You get upset when people won't call you Captain
You search on eBay for a 16/17th century pistol with one shot
You call your crush a pirate
You try to build a time machine to go and strand yourself in the age of Piracy
When you get a detention you hope someone will have a miraculous escape plan for you